Federal Union of European Nationalities
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Jan Wyrowiński Chairman
The Kashubian-Pomeranian Association (Kashubian-Pomeranian: Kaszëbskò-Pòmòrsczé Zrzeszenié, Polish: Zrzeszenie Kaszubsko-Pomorskie) is a regional non-governmental organisation of Kashubians (Pomeranians), Kociewiacy and other people interested in the regional affairs of Kashubia and Pomerania in northern Poland. Its headquarters are in Gdańsk, Poland.
The Kashubian Language Council (Kashubian: Radzëzna Kaszëbsczégò Jãzëka; Polish: Rada Języka Kaszubskiego) is a body of the Kashubian-Pomeranian Association that oversees and promotes the Kashubian language. In public life, the bilingual monthly journal ”Pomerania”, founded in 1963 is the most well-known media in Kashubian, but there are also weekly newspapers, and the language is also present in radio and TV. The Kashubian-Pomeranian Association is a member of FUEN since 1993.

The Kashubes belong originally to the Pommeranians and are the last Slavic-Pommeranian community, which still maintains its own culture and language. The Kashubes live mostly in the Northern part of Poland near the Baltic Sea. The language is spoken by about 50.000 speakers and there are about 50 various dialects of Kashubian language.