Federal Union of European Nationalities
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Liesa Scholzen / Elke Comoth Co-Chairs

ProDG (Pro Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft) is a regional party of the German-speaking part of Belgium. The free citizens' list ProDG.be (ProDG for short) was founded on 13 June 2008 on the initiative of Oliver Paasch in Eupen (Belgium). Its ranks include many new faces as well as members of the former PJU-PDB (Party of German-speaking Belgians). The so-called ProDG profile is based on the principle of openness - free of ideological constraints and independent of a Walloon mother party and other groups. ProDG strives for an equal German-speaking region in a Belgium of four constituent states, cooperating with the various Belgian and European partners in the search for tailor-made solutions for the German-speaking Community of Belgium (Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft in Belgien - DG) and specifically engaging in networks.

Statutory objectives of the ProDG: The political representation of all German-speaking Belgians - independent of Walloon mother parties and other groups.
Activities: Political work in the government and parliament of the German-speaking Community of Belgium.

The ProDG stands for:
- Politics of proximity to the citizens, independent of party structures and pressure groups;
- cross-ideological, pragmatic and open-minded politics;
- an objective and open political culture for the benefit of the citizens of the DG;
- the continuity and cohesion of Belgium;
- an equal DG in the federal state of Belgium;
- the application of the principles of individual responsibility (subsidiarity) and solidarity;
- sustainable and ecological political action.

The regional party ProDG is represented in the FUEN since 2014. The German-speaking Community in Belgium has been an institutional supporter of the FUEN since 2006. This is not a classical minority organisation, but rather represents the German speaking part of Belgium.

Geography and situation of the German-speaking community  in Belgium: The Kingdom of Belgium is a federal state comprising three autonomous communities, three regions and four language areas. The three communities are: the Flemish Community, the French Community and - as the smallest part of the state - the German-speaking Community. Like the two large communities, the German-speaking Community has political autonomy.

The German-speaking area today has a population of about 77,000: mostly German-speaking Belgians, but also Walloon, Flemish and foreign citizens. To the north is the densely populated Eupener Land, which is connected to a major transport network and includes the communities of Eupen, Kelmis, Lontzen and Raeren.