Federal Union of European Nationalities
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Miklosa Saboa 9 • RS-24000 Subotica
+381 641527152

Rudolf Weiss Chairman

The German People's Union (Deutscher Volksverband) was founded in December 1996. It is seated in the city of Subotica and operates throughout the country. The aims of the organisation are, among others, the protection of the interests of the German minority, the preservation of the German identity and the cultivation of the German language, the customs and culture of the Danube Swabians. The organisation has its own library, choir, a German-speaking youth theatre group and from 1998, had its own German radio show "Unsere Stimme". This broadcast was the first radio broadcast in German in the former Yugoslavia. A total of 820 programmess were produced and broadcast from 1998 to 2015. The German People's Union in Serbia is a member of FUEN since 2002.

The Minorities Act of the Republic of Serbia recognised the Germans as a national minority in 2002. According to the 2011 census, there are 4064 Germans in Serbia, 3272 of them in Province Vojvodina.