Union Fédéraliste des Communautés Ethniques Européennes
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Bobur Str. 4 • UZB-100070 Taschkent
+998-71-255 70 25

Elena Mironowa Chairwoman

In October 1990, the Cultural Center of the Germans of Uzbekistan "Wiedergeburt" which means "Revival" was established. The name arose not by chance: there was a real opportunity to revive the largely lost customs, traditions, language of the German people. The main task of the center is to consolidate the efforts of the Germans living in Uzbekistan in the preservation and development of the ethnic, cultural and linguistic identity of the German people, its traditions and customs, and most importantly, the preservation of interethnic harmony in the country.
Today the Republican Center unites the activities of German centers in Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Fergana. The first step towards the development of the ethnic identity of the Germans and their spiritual revival was the organisation of the study of the German language, various cultural and educational programs, the revival of German holidays, with their fun, songs and incendiary dances - these are the main activities of the center. The Cultural Center of the Germans in Uzbekistan "Wiedergeburt" is a member of the FUEN since 2002.

Around 8,000 Uzbek citizens of German ethnicity live in Uzbekistan. At the end of the 1980s, the minority was five times as large. Approximately 2,400 ethnic Germans remain in the Fergana region, 3,000 in the Tashkent region, 1,200 in Bukhara and 1,000 in the Samarkand region.


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