Union Fédéraliste des Communautés Ethniques Européennes
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Friisk Hüs, Süderstrasse 6, D - 25821 Bräist / Bredstedt, NF
+49 4671 / 602 41 50

Heinrich Bahnsen Chairman

The Frisian Council Section North is supported by Frisian associations and organisations in North Frisia, Germany. The Frisian Council is an umbrella organisation for all institutions and organisations in North Frisia and Helgoland that work for the Frisian language. The association has its headquarters in Bredstedt, Germany and sees itself as a common representative of the interests of the Frisians.

The task and aim of the Frisian Council is to preserve, promote and communicate the Frisian language and culture. In addition, cooperation and exchange with the three Frisian countries plays a role, as does the promotion and coordination of joint projects and measures with Frisian associations and organisations. The links to other ethnic minorities and Frisians outside the Frisian countries as well as to European institutions are also stated as the purpose of the association.

The Frisian Council is a member of FUEN since 1 October 2022.



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