Our work
04.06.2019The FUEN
- represents the interests of the European minorities – on regional, national and in particular on the European level.
- works together with the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the United Nations as well as with other stakeholders within the field of the European minorities
- holds consultative status at the United Nations
- holds participatory status at the Council of Europe
- is a full member of the European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism established by the European Commission
- is a participant in the Fundamental Rights Platform
- organises each year the largest gathering of autochthonous minorities and language groups, the FUEN Congress with more than 200 participants
- has six working groups with annual meetings: for the German, Slavic, Turkic and Hungarian minorities, for nations without a kin-state, and also an education working group
- is the coordinator of the Minority SafePack European Citizens’ Initiative, a European Citizens’ Initiative for the rights of autocthonous national minorities and languge groups in th EU, which has obtained 1,123,422 valid signatures and passed the national threshold in 11 Member States of the European Union
- runs several long-term projects such as the project “Dialogue for a Stable Future” - Minorities in the Caucasus and Minorities in the Western Balkans
- organises conferences like the Forum of Minority Regions and the Minority Media Forum
- organises the European football championship of minorities, EUROPEADA.
- Minority Monitor presents: Authorities and politicians promoting hate against minorities
- EUROPEADA 2024: Friúl and Südtirol are the champions
- Game on! EUROPEADA 2024 has started
- EDF calls the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to strengthen the protection and monitoring of minority rights
- The gift of two cultures
- Five languages in one sentence
- “Hold on to your own, be open to others“
- Parliamentary Breakfast in the German Bundestag: Focus on the future promotion of German minorities
- FUEN Brussels presented its plans to partner organisations
- European politicians and parties respond to the FUEN Election Checkstones