Alliance of Voivodina Hungarians Vajdasági Magyar Szövetség
Mamužić Ago str. 11/I • HS-24000 Szabadka / Subotica
+381 24553801
+381 24553801
Acting President Pásztor Bálint
The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (Hungarian: Vajdasági Magyar Szövetség (VMSZ) is an ethnic Hungarian political party in Serbia, primarily active in the province of Vojvodina, founded on 18 June 1994.
The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians is a member of FUEN since 2005.
Hungarians in Serbia
Hungarians are the second largest ethnic group in Serbia. According to the 2011 census, there are 253,899 ethnic Hungarians composing 3.5% of the population of Serbia. The majority of them live in the northern province of Vojvodina, where they number 251,136 or 13% of the population of the province.
nos membres
- Hrvatski centar za kulturu, obrazovanje i politikuCroatian center for culture, education and politics
- Hrvatsko kulturno društvo u Gradišću HKDCroatian Cultural Association of Burgenland
- Narodni svet koroških Slovencev NSKSNational Council of Carinthian Slovenes
- Roma Volkshochschule Burgenland – Roma VHSRoma Adult Educational Centre
- Skupnost koroških Slovencev in Slovenk SKSCommunity of the Carinthian Slovenes
- Zveza slovenskih organizacij na Koroškem (ZSO)Central Association of Slovene Organisations in Carinthia (ZSO)
- Zajednica Crnogoraca u Albaniji “ZCGA” - ElbasanMontenegrin Community in Albania “ZCGA” - Elbasan
- Македонско Друштво "Илинден" TиранаMacedonian Association “Ilinden” – Tirana
- Meshet Türkleri Cemiyeti Azerbaycan’da “VATAN”"Vatan" Public Union of Ahiska Turks living in Azerbaijan
- ProDGProDG
- Udruženje Centar za integrativnu inkluziju Roma i Romkinja OtaharinOtaharin - Centre for Integrative Inclusion of Roma Men and Women
- Tsentru ti limba shi cultura armaneascaCentre for Aromunian Language and Culture in Bulgaria
- Lia RumantschaRomansh Organisation
- Pro Grigioni Italiano (Pgi)The Pro Grigioni Italiano (Pgi) association
- Radgenossenschaft der LandstraßeThe Radgenossenschaft der Landstrasse
- Schäft qwant - Transnationaler Verein für jenische Zusammenarbeit und KulturaustauschSchäft qwant - Trans-national association for Yenish cooperation and cultural exchange
- Kongres Polakow w Republice CzeskijeCongress of the Poles in the Czech Republic
- Landesversammlung der deutschen Vereine in der Tschechischen Republik e.V. Shromáždění německých spolků v České republice, z.s.The Assembly of German Associations in the Czech Republic
- Avrupa Bati Trakya Türk Federasyonu ABTTFFederation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe
- DOMOWINA - Zwjazk Łužiskich Serbow z. t./Zwězk Łužyskich Serbow z. t.L'association Domowina
- Frasche Rädj seksjoon nordFrisian Council Section North
- Friisk ForiiningFrisian Association
- Sydslesvigsk Forening e. V.South Schleswig Association
- Youth of European Nationalities (YEN)Youth of European Nationalities (YEN)
- Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und RomaCentral Council of German Sinti and Roma
- Związek Polaków w NiemczechUnion of Poles in Germany
- Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger (BDN)Federation of Germans in Northern Schleswig
- GrænseforeningenDanish Border Association
- Eestimaa Rahvuste ÜhendusEstonian Union of National Minorities
- Eestimaa Valgevenelaste AssotsiatsioonEstonian Belorusian Association
- Verein der Deutschen in EstlandEstonian German Society
- Некоммерческое объединение “Русская школа Эстонии”NGO "Russian School of Estonia"
- Союз Славянских просветительных и благотворительных обществUnion of Russian Educational and Charitable Societies in Estonia
- Plataforma per la Llengua The Pro-Language Platform Association
- Associacion Occitana de FotbòlL'Associacion Occitana de Fotbòl
- Comité d´Action Régionale de Bretagne - Poellgor evit BreizhCommittee for regional action in Brittany
- EL - le Mouvement d'Alsace-LorraineElsass-Lothringischer Volksbund
- Skol Uhel Ar Vro – Institut Culturel de BretagneThe Cultural Institute of Brittany
- Strollad Breizh - Parti BretonNational Breton Party
- Unser LandOur Country
- Svenska Finlands folkting/FolktingetThe Swedish Assembly of Finland
- Assoziation der Deutschen Georgiens "Einung"Association of Germans of Georgia “Einung”
- საერთო სამოქალაქო მოძრაობა - მრავალეროვანი საქართველოPublic Movement Multinational Georgia
- Batı Trakya Azınlığı Yüksek Tahsilliler DerneğiWestern Thrace Minority University Graduates Association
- Dostluk Eşitlik Barış Partisi (DEB Partisi) Friendship, Equality and Peace Party
- Οικουμενική Ομοσπονδία ΚωνσταντινουπολιτώνEcumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans
- Македонско Движење за Унапредување на Мајчиниот Јазик ‘Крсте Мисирков’Macedonian Movement to Promote Mother language “Krste Misirkov”
- Autoguvernarea pe Țară a Românilor din Ungaria (AȚRU)The National Self-Government of Romanians in Hungary
- Celoštátna slovenská samospráva v MaďarskuNational Self-Government of Slovaks in Hungary
- Landesselbstverwaltung der Ungarndeutschen (LdU)Self-Government of Germans in Hungary
- Вседержавноє Русинськоє Самосправованя - Országos Ruszin ÖnkormányzatNational Self-Government of Rusyns in Hungary
- Deutsche Gemeinschaft - Landsmannschaft der Donauschwaben in KroatienGerman society - Organisation of Danube Swabians in Croatia, Osijek
- Horvatorszagi Magyarok Demokratikus KözössegeDemocratic Union of Hungarians in Croatia
- Koordinace rad a představitelů české národnostní menšiny v Republice HorvatskoCoordination Council and Representatives of the Czech National Minority
- Српскo нaрoднo виjeћeSerb National Council in Croatia
- Fondazione "Agostina Piccoli"Foundation "Agostina Piccoli"
- Istituto di Studi sull’Amministrazione Locale (ISAL)Institute for Studies on Local Administration
- Slovenska kulturno-gospodarska zveza SKGZ Slovenian Cultural and Economic Association
- Slovenska SkupnostUnion of the Slovenes in Italy
- Societât Filologjiche Furlane „Graziadio Isaia Ascoli“ – Società Filologica Friulana “Graziadio Isaia Ascoli”Friulian Philological Society
- SSO –Svet Slovenskih Organizacij Confederation of Slovene Organisations
- Südtiroler Volkspartei (SVP)South Tyrolean People's Party
- Union Generela di Ladins dla DolomitesGeneral Union of the Ladins of Dolomites
- Údarás na GaeltachtaÚdarás na Gaeltachta
- Volksrat der Deutschen der Kirgisischen RepublikPeople's Council of Germans of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Gesellschaftliche Stiftung - Vereinigung der Deutschen Kasachstans “Wiedergeburt”The Community of Germans of Kazakhstan "Wiedergeburt" - Public Foundation
- Verein der Deutschen in Klaipėda – Klaipėdos vokiečių bendrijaGerman Community in Klaipėda
- Verband der Deutschen in LettlandAssociation of Germans in Latvia
- Deutsches Haus "Hoffnung"der Republik Moldov - Немецкий дом "Hoffnung" в Республике МолдоваGerman House "Hoffnung" of the Republik of Moldova
- Unia ti cultura-a Armanjlor dit MachiduniiUnion for the Culture of the Aromanians in Macedonia
- Zdruzenie za Pravata na Romite - StipAssociation for Human Right Protection of Roma – Stip
- Асоцијација за демократски развој на Ромите СОНЦЕRoma Democratic Development Association SONCE
- Центар за Ромска Заедница “ДРОМ”Roma Community Center “DROM”
- De Fryske BewegingThe Frisian Movement
- Kaszëbskò Pòmòrsczé ZrzeszeniéThe Kashubian-Pomeranian Association
- Verband der deutschen sozial-kulturellen Gesellschaften in Polen VdGAssociation of German Social Cultural Societies in Poland
- Об'єднання лемкiв Zjednoczenie Łemków Union of Lemkos
- Demokratický zväz Slovákov a Čechov v RumunskuDemocratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania
- Demokratisches Forum der Deutschen in Rumänien DFDRDemocratic Forum of Germans in Romania
- FARA ARMÂNEASCÂ dit ROMÂNIAArman Community in Romania
- Magyar Polgári Erő (MPE)Hungarian Civic Force
- Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség RMDSZDemocratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania
- Uniunea Democrată TătarăTatar Democratic Union
- Demokratski Savez Hrvata u VojvodiniDemocratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina
- Deutscher Humanitärer Verein „St. Gerhard”Humanitarian Society of German Minority “St. Gerhard”
- Deutscher VolksverbandGerman People's Union
- Humanitarni Centar Rom Obrenovac (HC Rom)Humanitarian Centre Rom Obrenovac
- Sutsata Sarbeasca-Armaneasca “Lunjina”Serbian-Aromanian Association "Lunjina"
- Vajdasági Magyar SzövetségAlliance of Voivodina Hungarians
- Internationaler Verband der deutschen Kultur (IVDK)“IVDK”-International Union of German Culture
- Milletlerarasi Meshet Turkleri Cemiyeti "Vatan"Public Organisation "International Society of Meskhetian Turks "Vatan"
- QumuqlarNGO Qumuqlar
- Межрегиональная общественная организация содействия сохранению и развитию карачаево-балкарских традиций "Барс Эль"Bars El: Social Organisation for Fostering and Development of the Karachay-Balkar Traditions
- Федеральная лезгинская национальная и культурная автономияFederal Lezghin National and Cultural Autonomy (FLNCA)
- Stiftelsen Skånsk FramtidThe Foundation Scanian Future
- Český spolek na SlovenskuCzech Association in Slovakia
- Karpatendeutscher Verein in der SlowakeiCarpathian-German association in Slovakia
- Magyar Szövetség - Maďarská AlianciaAlliance - Hungarians. Nationalities. Regions
- Muravidéki Magyar Önkormányzati Nemzeti Közösség - Pomurska madžarska samoupravna narodna skupnnostThe Hungarian Self-Governing Ethnic Community of Pomurje
- Unione ItalianaItalian Union
- Verband der Kulturvereine der deutschsprachigen Volksgruppe in SlowenienUmbrella Organisation of Cultural Associations of the German-speaking Community in Slovenia
- Rhodes, Kos and the Dodecanese Turks Culture and Solidarity AssociationRhodes, Kos and the Dodecanese Turks Culture and Solidarity Association
- Asociația național-culturală a moldovenilor din UcrainaAll-Ukrainian National Cultural Association of the Moldovians
- Kárpátaljai Magyar Kulturális Szövetség KMKSZThe Cultural Alliance of Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia
- Kırım KayalarAssociation of Crimean Karaites "Krymkarailar"
- Qırımtatar Milliy MeclisiMejlis of the Crimean Tatar People
- Rat der Deutschen der UkraineCouncil of Germans in Ukraine
- ГО «Дуслик»NGO “Duslyk”
- Громадська організація «Асамблея Національностей України»Public Organization «Assembly of Nationalities of Ukraine»
- ОБЩЕСТВО КАРПАТСКИХ РУСИНОВ, УКРАИНАSociety of Carpatho-Rusyns in Ukraine
- Федерація грецьких товариств УкраїниFederation of Greek Communities of Ukraine
- Kulturzentrum der Deutschen Usbekistans e.V. „Wiedergeburt“The Cultural Center of Germans in Uzbekistan "Wiedergeburt"
- Kosova Genç Birlik DerneğiKosovo Youth Union Association