Avrupa Milletleri Federal Birliği
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Via San Francesco 20 I-34133 Trieste Friuli – Venezia Giulia
0039 040 368 094

Ksenija Dobrila President

The Slovenian Economic and Cultural Association in Italy was founded in Trieste in 1954. A year later, the Slovenian Cultural and Economic Association was founded in Gorizia. The merger of SGKZ and SKGZ took place in 1958. The Slovenian Cultural and Economic Association SKGZ at the regional level brings together organisations, institutions and individuals. It is an independent, non-party organisation of Slovenians in Italy and has no profit-making objectives. It operates in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and has offices in Trieste, Gorizia and Cividale. The legal seat is in Trieste.

The fundamental guiding principle of the organisation is to strive for democratic relations between people and nations, for the protection of human dignity, solidarity, prosperity and peace. Among other objectives, the SKGZ strives to ensure that the rights and interests of the Slovene linguistic minority in Italy are on an equal footing in linguistic, cultural, political, economic, educational, sporting, social and other areas, and that the minority and its members are guaranteed effective equality. The SKGZ aims to achieve its objectives by organising consultations, meetings, seminars, research, by publications, exhibitions, events and activities, including those of an international scope.

The Slovenian Cultural and Economic Association is a member of FUEN since 1 October 2022.


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