Avrupa Milletleri Federal Birliği
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Müllheimerstr. 156 • CH-4057 Basel
+41 61 508 13 36

Serge Borri Chairman

The Transnational Association for Yenish Cooperation and Cultural Exchange "Schäft Qwant" was founded in 2003 to enable and promote the exchange of Yenish people and the cooperation of their organisations beyond the national borders.

The central concern of the association is the preservation and promotion of the Yenish culture. In order to secure and make accessible the cultural characteristics in the different regions, clans and families, the association has established a platform (www.jenisch.info). The platform should also give Yenish people the opportunity to establish international contacts and networks. Schäft Qwant also supports and carries out projects that strengthen cultural identity, improve language skills and expand historical knowledge. Furthermore, the association wants to give young Yenish people the necessary know-how to create and operate their own homepages. Schäft Qwant is a member of FUEN since 2004.


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