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Loránt Vincze is the new chair of the European Parliament's Minority Intergroup

The European Parliament's Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages was reestablished  on Wednesday, 15 January in Brussels. The continuation of the work of the only EU forum dealing with minorities was backed by nearly 40 MEPs from all political groups. The high level of support for the forty years old Minority Intergroup is proof that there are many MEPs, old and new, who believe it is important for the European Union to deal with the issues of autochthonous national and linguistic minorities and to have a European framework for their protection.

FUEN President Loránt Vincze, Member of the European Parliament (RMDSZ, EPP) was elected chair of the Intergroup. The election of the Vice Chairs will take place on 23 January in Strasbourg.

"The European dialogue in the intergroup has brought us useful experience and strengthens our arguments, that it is the common interest of the minorities that Europe pays attention to autochthonous minorities, provides them with legal protection and support, and we will continue to work for this" – said Loránt Vincze on its election.

"Europe's linguistic and cultural diversity is a shared value that must be protected, and it is time for the European Commission to recognize this!", he added. The meetings of the intergroup provide an opportunity to discuss challenges, breaches of rights faced by minority communities, but also to share good practices.

Intergroups are a forum for informal exchanges of views on specific issues across different political groups, and for contact between Members and civil society. Each is composed of Members from at least three different political groups.

Intergroups are recognised by Parliament, and they are established by agreement between the chairs of the political groups at the beginning of each legislative term. Currently there are 28 intergroups in the EP.

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