Európai Nemzetiségek Föderatív Uniója
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Cajakova 8, 811 05 Bratislava
+421 2 5710 6013
+421 915 987 760
László Gubík President

The Hungarian Alliance (Slovak: Maďarská Aliancia; Hungarian: Magyar Szövetség, Szövetség–Aliancia) is a political party in Slovakia for the ethnic Hungarian minority, previously known simply as the "Alliance", it was founded when "Party of the Hungarian Community" and Most–Híd merged into "Hungarian Community Togetherness". The Hungarian Alliance has been a member of FUEN since 2022.


Hungarians in Slovakia are the largest ethnic minority of the country. According to the 2011 Slovak census, 458,467 people (8.5% of the total population) declared themselves Hungarians, while 508,714 (9,4% of the population) stated that Hungarian was their mother tongue. These numbers represent approximately 20 % shrinkage of this minority community since 1991. Hungarians in Slovakia are concentrated in compact areas mostly in the southern part of the country, near the border with Hungary. Hungarians in Slovakia have developed system of civil institutions, but do not have any collective rights in the fields of culture, education, language use, etc.


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