Európai Nemzetiségek Föderatív Uniója
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Vestergade 30 • DK-6200 Aabenraa
+45 74 62 38 33
Hinrich Jürgensen Chairman

The Federation of Germans in Northern Schleswig (BDN)  is the umbrella organisation of the German minority in Denmark. With around 3,500 members, it is the largest association and the publisher of the daily newspaper "Der Nordschleswiger" (circulation: 2,500). BDN is a member of FUEN since 1954.

The German group in Northern Schleswig has existed since the referendum in 1920 and today comprises about 15,000 - 20,000 members out of a total population of 250,000 in Northern Schleswig. The German minority maintains its own kindergartens, schools and libraries, and carries out church and social work.


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