"Women of Minorities": The impressive career of Catalan Anna N. Schlegel
30.05.2024FUEN honoured with the Sudeten German Human Rights Award
24.05.2024We mourn the loss of Ilse Johanna Christiansen
17.05.2024TAG paid a working visit to Romania and Bulgaria
15.05.2024President of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) visits the FUEN office in Flensburg
14.05.2024Election Checkstones of FUEN
07.05.2024FUEN member Turkic organisations attended OSCE meeting
02.05.2024Annual conference of the FUEN Non-Kin-State Working Group: Intensive exchange in Spreewald/Błota
30.04.2024FUEN Congress 2024 will take place in Husum/Hüsem
- Minority Monitor presents: Authorities and politicians promoting hate against minorities
- EUROPEADA 2024: Friúl and Südtirol are the champions
- Game on! EUROPEADA 2024 has started
- EDF calls the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to strengthen the protection and monitoring of minority rights
- The gift of two cultures
- Five languages in one sentence
- “Hold on to your own, be open to others“
- Parliamentary Breakfast in the German Bundestag: Focus on the future promotion of German minorities
- FUEN Brussels presented its plans to partner organisations
- European politicians and parties respond to the FUEN Election Checkstones