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Minority Monitor publishes case study on German education in Poland

In mid-December 2021, the Polish Sejm decided that the state budget for 2022 would devote significantly less funds to the teaching of minority languages. According to the amendment tabled, the education subsidy should be reduced by an amount of PLN 39 800 000. On 4 February, the Polish Minister of Education and Science issued a decree, according to which the as of the beginning of the new school year, 1 September 2022, the reduction will enter into force, affecting only the teaching of German language – from three classes per week, the German minority students will have only one class in their mother tongue.

FUEN’s Minority Monitor put together a case study on the discrimination of the Germans in Poland, enlisting the legal steps taken so far, the reactions against the decision and a background on the German minority in Poland. The Minority Monitor team has also formulated its recommendations to the Polish and German governments, to the German minority in Poland and to civil organisations in both countries.

The study, entitled “Reduction of financial resources for the implementation of tasks that enable the preservation of the national, ethnic and linguistic sense of identity of the students of the German minority. Legal discrimination against the German minority in Poland” is now published on the Minority Monitor website.

photo: Pixabay