FUEN President meets OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
FUEN President meets OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
FUEN Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM) adopts resolution on the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II
18.03.2025The Minority SafePack Initiative was presented in the Minority Intergroup
13.03.2025Setting the Course for the Future of EUROPEADA
12.03.2025SAVE THE DATE: Forum of European Minority Regions 2025
10.03.2025Addressing hate speech is a common cause of minorities in the Western Balkans
09.03.2025Women of Minorities: Anikó Orsós – the Roma who never gave up
07.03.2025Minorities from the Western Balkans discuss approaches to combat hate speech in Skopje
07.03.2025International Standards on Minority Protection
17.02.2025Minorities in the Western Balkans meet in Skopje, North Macedonia to discuss hate speech and education
07.02.20252025 German federal election: South-Schleswigian Voter’s Association and DIE LINKE (The Left) respond to FUEN’s election checkstones
05.02.2025Women of Minorities conference Athens
04.11.2024FUEN Congress 2024: the Assembly
21.09.2024FUEN Congress 2024: Working Groups
20.09.2024FUEN in 2023-2024
20.09.2024FUEN Congress 2024: The future of minority protection
20.09.2024Message of Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament
19.09.2024Minorities in the Western Balkans - Skopje
75 years of FUEN: Our History and Projects
8th Forum of European Minority Regions (26–27 November 2024, San Sebastián/Donostia, Basque Country)
Women of Minorities Conference, 30.10.2024 – 01.11.2024, Athens, Greece
Az Európai Nemzetiségek Föderatív Uniója (FUEN) az európai őshonos nemzeti kisebbségek és nyelvcsoportok érdekképviseleti szervezete, a legnagyobb kisebbségi ernyőszervezet Európában, amely 100 tagszervezetet tömörít 38 államból.
továbbTöbb projekten dolgozunk 100 tagszervezettel 36 európai országból.
Forum of European Minority Regions EUROPEADA 2024 MUTE HATE Congress Women of Minorities Minority Monitor Minority SafePack