Union Fédéraliste des Communautés Ethniques Européennes
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Take a look at the FUEN Calendar 2021!

We have been promoting the FUEN Calendar 2021 on Facebook for some time, teasing one page at a time, but now here is your chance to take a look at the whole year ahead!

>> FUEN Calendar 2021, PDF, 6.8 Mb >>

One of the most important roles of the FUEN is to make minorites visible. Another important task si to facilitate collaboration between minorities, and to make them better know and understand each other. With the FUEN Calendars we aim to take steps in this direction, by presenting a specific aspect of 12 minorites each year.

When taking into account the things that define a minority, a language group, a nationality, one can think of many things – and it is no wonder, as our identity is defined not only by our past, but also by our present, and hopefully by our future too. Our traditions, arts, sport, personalities, events and our common goals all define who we are and who we want to be. Having this in mind, starting with 2021 the FUEN Calendars are going to present each year one of these defining elements of the minorities.

For 2021, we chose folk costumes as the theme. These are not regular garments, as the centuries made them bearers of added meanings – for the ones who know the meaning of the ornaments, the colors, the elements, one look is enough to get the story of the person wearing it. Choosing the costumes that are featured in the calendar was not an easy task, as in the case of most minorities there is a great variety of costumes, depending on the region, time period, life event and so on. And we have to admit, we could not be prouder of the final result!

In 2021, the minorities featured in the calendar are the North Frisians in Germany, Hungarians in Slovakia, Lezghins in Russia, Slovaks in Hungary, Hungarians in Romania, Catalans in Spain, Slovenes in Italy, Alsatians Lorrainians in France, Germans in Poland, Germans in Kazakhstan, Lusatian Sorbs in Germany and the Mariupol Greeks.

If you would like to order the FUEN Calendar 2021 please contact us at info@fuen.org.

We hope that you will like the FUEN Calendar 2021 as much as we do, and see you again 2022 with a new calendar, this time focusing on contemporary art, more specifically paintings!