Fit for youth work: young people from the AGDM complete the JuLeiCa training course
08.08.2023Youth representatives of the German minorities from ten countries developed their skills in the field of youth work during the summer. This was made possible by the Working Group of German Minorities in the FUEN and the djo - German Youth in Europe, who jointly invited them to the JuLeiCa training (Youth Leader Card) in Cuxhaven, Germany. For the second year in a row, the young people from the AGDM received the necessary expertise to lead youth projects and groups.
From 2 to 8 August, eleven young adults from Romania, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Croatia and Poland took part in the training. The AGDM's aim is to provide the young people with the necessary know-how for leading international groups and to prepare them for their role as youth group leaders. The agenda included the basics of youth work, project management and goals, methods and tasks of youth work as well as communication. Legal and organisational issues of youth work and psychological and pedagogical basics for working with children and young people were also addressed. The young people should now be able to use the acquired expertise and new skills effectively in their work in the youth organisations of the German minorities. The knowledge was imparted to them by lecturers from the djo - German Youth in Europe.
AGDM spokesperson Bernard Gaida did not miss the opportunity to visit the youth in Cuxhaven and exchange with them about the activities in the respective German minorities. "On the sidelines of the training, which was professionally organised by the DJO, we talked about the felt identities, the richness of diversity, the differences and similarities among the respective ethnic groups and also about the motivations to get involved. Quite interesting was the mention of what distinguishes us from the present Germany and how far precisely that has to be preserved", he says.
AGDM youth coordinator Hanna Klein was also on site and exchanged views with the youth, reported on her experiences and shared her knowledge in the field of youth work.
Background: JuLeiCa
The Youth Leader Card (JuLeiCa) functions as a nationwide uniform identity card that is valid for volunteers in the field of youth work. This card serves as legitimation and proof of the acquired qualification. In addition, the JuLeiCa has the task of expressing social recognition for voluntary commitment. Participation in the JuLeiCa training forms the basis for voluntary engagement in youth work in Germany and is highly valued and adopted by many other EU countries.
The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs, as well as the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
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