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We must not remain #speechless – AGDM Youth supports protest action

The Federation of the Youth of the German Minority in Poland launched its protest action #sprachlos against the cut in funding for the teaching of German as a minority language decided by the Polish Sejm.

In a statement published on the AGDM website, the AGDM Youth announced its support for the #sprachlos campaign.

“We must not remain speechless when children and young people who learn the minority language in schools suffer from the government's political decisions and the "language of the heart" is taken away from them.

The AGDM is a community of solidarity and we thank all representatives of the AGDM Youth who have joined in support of the compatriots in Poland!”, says the statement of the Working Group of German Minorities in FUEN.

The FUEN has also condemned the cut in funding, pointing out that “the rights and funding of minority groups living in Poland should not be negatively affected due to ambitions aiming more support for Polish communities abroad.”