Federal Union of European Nationalities
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Every year, FUEN organises the largest meeting of the autochthonous minorities in Europe. The FUEN congresses have been taking place since 1949. Between 150-250 representatives from all over Europe attend these congresses, which are always organised by one of the member organisations of FUEN.

In 2019, FUEN celebrated it's 70th anniversary in Bratislava/Pozsony/Pressburg in Slovakia.


Upcoming Congresses

Congress 2024  - 19 - 22 September in Husum/Hüsem, Germany

Past Congresses

Congress 2023 - 7-10 September in Pécs, Fünfkirchen, Hungary

Congress 2022 - 29 September - 2 October in Berlin, Germany

Congress 2021 - 9-12 September in Trst/Trieste, Italy

Congress 2019 - Bratislava/Pozsony/Pressburg and Dunajská Streda/Dunaszerdahely, Slovakia

Congress 2018 - Ljouwert/Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Congress 2017 - Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca/Klausenburg, Romania

Congress 2016 - Wrocław/Breslau, Poland

Congress 2015 - Komotini/Gümülcine/Κομοτηνή, Greece

Congress 2014 - Flensburg/Flensborg, Germany

Congress 2013 - Brixen, Italy

Congress 2012 - Moscow, Russian Federation

Congress 2011 - Eisenstadt/Željezno, Austria

Congress 2010 - Ljubljana, Slovenia

Congress 2009 - Brussels, Belgium

Congress 2008 - Pécs/Fünfkirchen, Hungary

Congress 2007 - Tallinn, Estonia

Congress 2006 - Bautzen/Budyšin, Germany

Congress 2005 - Bucharest, Romania

Congress 2004 - Kamień Śląski, Poland

Congress 2003 - Bozen/Bolzano, Italy

Congress 2002 - Subotica, Serbia

Congress 2001 - Heerenveen, Netherlands

Congress 2000 - Komárno, Slovakia

Congress 1999 - Haderslev, Denmark

Congress 1998 - Praha, Czech Republic

Congress 1997 - Pörtschach, Austria

Congress 1996 - Timișoara, Romania

Congress 1995 - St. Moritz, Switzerland

Congress 1994 - Gdańsk/Danzig, Poland

Overview of FUEN Congresses

Find the adopted resolutions of the past congresses HERE