Union Fédéraliste des Communautés Ethniques Européennes
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Hearings with the new European Commissioners under way

Hearings with the new European Commissioners under way

This week, the European Parliament assesses the newly designated Commissioners. Each Commissioner has to appear for the specialised committees of the Parliament and is getting questioned about his or her portfolio.

FUEN has requested Members of the Parliament to ask questions to the designated Commissioners whose portfolios are mostly related to minority issues. Three of them will be having their hearing tomorrow, 1 October 2014. 

From Mr Tibor Navracsics (Education & Culture) and Ms Thyssen (Employment & Social Affairs), FUEN would like to know how they will advance linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe and how they will make sure that all languages can participate on an equal footing in the different EU initiatives and programmes.

From Ms Věra Jourová (Justice), FUEN wants to know which actions she intends to take in regard to Member States that do not respect the rights of national minorities or that discriminate against them and also which policy actions the Commissioner will take to improve the situation of the Roma in Europe.

Furthermore FUEN would like to hear from the different Commissioners if they are willing to reconsider the different proposals in FUEN’s Minority SafePack Initiative and discuss together with the organisations of the European minorities about how the proposals of the Minority SafePack Initiative can be implemented?

Letter from 29 September with questions to the Commissioners-designate