Union Fédéraliste des Communautés Ethniques Européennes
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The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN)

The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN)

  • is the main advocate and the largest umbrella organisation of Europe’s autochthonous national minorities, nationalities and language groups. Under its umbrella it currently unites more than 100 member organisations from 38 European countries, with new members joining every year.
  • is a mutual support community that represents the interests of the European minorities at regional, national, and particularly European level.
  • maintains a large network of European regions, policy makers, scientific institutes, cultural and educational institutions, youth organisations, media and other associates
  • works for the preservation and promotion of the identity, language, culture, rights and traditions of the European minorities
  • is the voice of the minorities at the international organisations, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the United Nations and the OSCE.

Over the last couple of years, FUEN has increased and consolidated its team and its presence, running three offices – in Flensburg, Berlin and Brussels. The success of the Minority SafePack European Citizens’ Initiative, coordinated by the FUEN gave a new kind of visibility and a consolidated position to the organisation.

FUEN is headed by the Presidium, which is elected by the Assembly of Delegates and formed by the President, six Vice Presidents and the YEN President (ex officio). Since the 2016 FUEN Congress in Breslau/Wroclaw (Poland) the Presidium is led by Loránt Vincze, member of the Hungarian community in Romania.