Union Fédéraliste des Communautés Ethniques Européennes
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FUEN Congress 2014

This week, the German minority in Denmark (Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger) and the Danish minority in Germany (Sydslesvigsk Forening) organise the largest European minority congress together with the umbrella organisation of the national minorities in Europe, the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN).

The organisers expect approximately 200 guests from 30 countries, who will be in Flensburg and Sønderborg in theperiod from 8 till 11 May.

On 9 May a symposium on the occasion of Europe Day will take place in the Alsion-building in Sønderborg, in the presence of Prime Minister Torsten Albig and Region Chairman Carl Holst, among others.

The topics for discussion are the significance of the German-Danish border region as a minority centre in Europe, but also the current situation of the minorities in Europe.

The leader of the Crimean Tatars, Mustafa Dzhemilev, who only a few weeks ago held a speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations, will speak about the situation in the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea.

Ukraine and its increasingly violent conflict will be key topics of the minority conference. With more than 20 minorities, Ukraine is the country with the highest number of national minorities in Europe.

Europe as a whole has more than 300 minorities – 100 million people (every seventh citizen of Europe) are part of one of these minorities or speak a regional or minority language.

Several Members of Parliaments and Ministers from different minority regions will come in order to discuss together about the future of the minorities in a Europe that is growing more and more together. The opening ofthe congress will take place in Hotel des Nordens in Flensburg on 8 May.

The press is warmly invited to participate in the congress or in parts of the congress. We would appreciate your feedback.

On 9 May at 9:45 hr there is the opportunity to make a group photo of the participants of the congress at the Dybbøl Battlefield.

For more information:

Congress hotel: Hotel des Nordens
+49 (0) 461 70 20
Alte Zollstraße 44, 24955 Harrislee

Federal Union of European NationalitiesSchiffbrücke 41, 24939 Flensburg, Germany
Phone: +49 461 12 8 55
Fax: +49 461 18 07 09E-Mail: info@fuen.org
Web: www.fuen.org
