Európai Nemzetiségek Föderatív Uniója
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New exhibition shows the history of FUEN

How did FUEN actually come into being? And what were the milestones in the 73-year eventful history of the umbrella organisation of the autochthonous national minorities and language communities of Europe? All this is now shown in an exhibition that is celebrating its premiere in Carinthia as part of the Europeada and will henceforth be on display at changing locations. On 32 large panels with texts and numerous photos, viewers are guided through more than seven decades of successful minority work and get an impression of the themes and ideals for which FUEN stands.

“Throughout these printouts we present our predecessors, their ambitions, struggles and achievements and our own contributions in the last decade as we are trying to convince Europe that cultural and linguistic diversity means not only the official languages and majority culturesm but also the multiple small regions with their own national or linguistic identity which needs to be supported and promoted. I hope many citizens from Carinthia but also tourists will be able to see this exhibition”, says FUEN President Loránt Vincze.

The first stations of the exhibition:

  • 20 June: Klagenfurt/Celovec
  • 25 June: Eberndorf/Dobrla vas Abbey (Europeada opening ceremony)
  • 26-29 June: Mochoritsch/Rückersdorf/Rikarja vas (Europeada village)
  • 29 June: Bleiburg/Pliberk (Europeada Culture Day)
  • 30 June - 2 July: SAK Sportpark Klagenfurt/Celovec (Europeada Finals)

The further exhibition venues will be announced shortly.