FUEN Conference on the Future of Europe in Flensburg: Minorities give EU a clear work order
29.03.2022Follow the FUEN Conference on the Future of Europe today in a livestream!
28.03.2022SEGÍTS, HOGY SEGÍTHESSÜNK! A FUEN elindította a Kisebbségek Ukrajnáért humanitárius segélykampányát
10.03.2022A FUEN humanitárius segélyakciót indít Ukrajna számára
04.03.2022Russia’s war against Ukraine is also affecting the many nationalities from the country
27.02.2022FUEN strongly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine
24.02.2022What is the current situation of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine?
18.02.2022FUEN condemns the discrimination of German children in Poland
09.02.2022"Exemplary, but not without challenges": FUEN takes a stand on the situation of minorities in Schleswig-Holstein in the European Affairs Committee
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- Minority Monitor presents: Authorities and politicians promoting hate against minorities
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- EDF calls the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to strengthen the protection and monitoring of minority rights
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- Five languages in one sentence
- “Hold on to your own, be open to others“
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