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FUEN Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM) adopts resolution on the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II

The FUEN Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM) has adopted a resolution on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II. In this resolution, the AGDM member organisations from Central and Eastern Europe as well as Central Asia commemorate the fate of the German minorities in these regions, who suffered from expulsion, deportation, and severe human rights violations in the aftermath of the war.

The resolution calls for a clear acknowledgment of these historical injustices and a distancing from the crimes committed against the German civilian population. It urges the successor states of the countries where expulsion and persecution took place after World War II, as well as the international community, to commemorate the suffering of the displaced and those who remained in their homelands in a dignified manner and to publicly condemn these events. Furthermore, the AGDM member organisations emphasise the inseparable link between human rights and minority rights and appeal to the international community to actively support the protection of national and ethnic minorities.

"An open dialogue, the recognition of historical responsibility, and the sustainable promotion of the rights of national and ethnic minorities are indispensable to preventing conflicts and wars in the future", states the resolution, which was adopted on 4 March 2025 in Berlin.

You can view and download the full resolution HERE. (Note: This is a translation of the original German resolution. Given the sensitivity of the topic, the German version shall be considered authoritative.)

The original German version of the resolution is available HERE.