Federal Union of European Nationalities
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"Women of Minorities": The impressive career of Catalan Anna N. Schlegel

The first video for our "Women of Minorities" project has been online since December 2023. Have you seen the clip yet?

Experience the inspiring story of Anna N. Schlegel, who moved from Catalonia to the USA at the age of 23 to start her first business. Today, she is Vice-President of Global at ProCore Technologies and a globally recognised professional with extensive experience driving global market growth.

In our video, created as part of the "Women of Minorities" project, you can find out more about Anna's remarkable career, her success in the male-dominated technology sector, her philanthropic work and the importance of her Catalan roots. Immerse yourself in the fascinating story of a woman who has made a lasting impact on the technology world.

Watch now: Anna N. Schlegel – The Truly Global Catalan


Background: The "Women of Minorities" project

The "Women of Minorities" project is an initiative of the FUEN and aims to strengthen the representation and rights of women in minority communities across Europe.

A survey among FUEN member organisations revealed that although women are represented in the organisations, leadership positions are predominantly held by men. While many organisations are aware of the principles of gender equality, there is often a lack of official guidelines and training. Obstacles such as lack of promotion, lack of awareness and stereotypes within the organisations hinder equality.

In 2023, FUEN organised an online meeting and an event in Vienna (Austria) on this topic, which attracted wide interest.

Further information can be found at womenofminorities.eu.
