FUEN welcomes the adoption of the budget amendment from Reimer Böge MEP
18.12.2014In July 2014, shortly after the election of the new European Parliament, a delegation of FUEN visited Reimer Böge MEP to ask his support for EU funding for minorities. Yesterday, we heard that Böge’s amendment to give "particular consideration to projects of civil society organisations promoting integration, linguistic diversity, cohesion, and non-discrimination, with particular focus on European minorities”, was adopted by the European Union.
“We have reliable partners in the European Parliament and we very much thank Reimer Böge for his commitment and for the support of many MEPs”, said FUEN President Hans Heinrich Hansen. "We have several projects and plans within FUEN and our member organisations that deserve to be taken into consideration by the Europe for Citizens’ Programme of the EU."
So far, applications for funding from FUEN within the framework of the Europe for Citizens’ Programme were always rejected.
“We are following the funding policy of the European Commission very closely. Now, we will have to make sure that the resources will also be used in accordance to Böge’s amendment”, said FUEN Vice President Loránt Vincze.
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