From the Hofburg to the Three-Country Corner - the annual meeting of the Slavic minorities at the Burgenland Croats in Austria
Minority language promotion projects in practice and on location
How do minorities live in large metropolises? Slavic communities meet in Vienna
Communities between true cultural tourism and clumsy marketing gimmick
Opening of the Forum of European Regions in Ireland: Language means money
"Berlin! You are so wonderful, Berlin!" - This was the 31st AGDM Annual Seminar
The quest for minority rights in the EU continues
German minorities at the heart of German minority policy: AGDM Annual Conference starts today in Berlin
EUROPEADA 2024: Four minorities in the German-Danish borderland set sail for football event "Between the Seas"
02.11.2022Пресс релизы
- Loránt Vincze is the new chair of the European Parliament's Minority Intergroup
- Спикер FUEN TAG осуществил рабочий визит в Анкару
- FUEN wishes you a Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a Happy New Year!
- Online Meeting of the FUEN Project “Minorities in the Western Balkans”
- FUEN Strengthens Ties with Basque Organisations
- Турецкие организации-члены FUEN на Форуме ООН по вопросам меньшинств
- FUEN’s European Dialogue Forum Participated in the 17th Session of the UN Forum on Minority Issues
- 8th Forum of European Minority Regions: Day Two Highlights the Role of Minority Languages in Entertainment and Media
- 8th Forum of European Minority Regions: Exploring the Role of Minority Languages in the Digital Age
- The 8th Forum of European Minority Regions Starts Tomorrow – Follow the Discussions Live on YouTube!