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European politicians and parties respond to the FUEN Election Checkstones

In the run-up to the European Parliament elections from 6 to 9 June 2024, FUEN called on the political parties and their candidates to find solutions for our concerns at European level and to draw attention to the situation of the autochthonous national minorities and language communities.

In order for minorities to find out where the various candidates stand on issues relevant to minorities, we asked them to answer a few questions as part of the FUEN Election Checkstones.

We now have the feedback: We received concrete answers to the FUEN Eection Checkstones from two politicians from Germany, one politician from Denmark and from the Croatian Social Democratic Party (Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske, SDP). You can read them below.

The answers will also be forwarded to our member organisations in the EU member states and the national minorities in the respective countries, who will certainly support those candidates in the EU elections who best represent their concerns in the European Parliament.


Answers by Rasmus Andresen, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens), Germany:

Rasmus Andresen emphasises the importance of the EU Commission protecting and supporting national minorities and language communities. He would like to increase the pressure on the EU Commission to prioritise these issues in the coming legislative period. As a member of the Danish minority and the Greens/EFA group in the EU Parliament, he wants to continue to work intensively for the interests of minorities.

Andresen supports the re-establishment of the Intergroup for Minorities and is in favour of stronger political representation of national minorities and language communities in the EU as well as institutionalised dialogue with minority experts. He sees new opportunities for minority parties in Europeanised electoral law.

You can read Rasmus Andresen's full answers to the FUEN Election Checkstones here.


Answers by Helmer Krane, FDP (Free Democratic Party), Germany:

Helmer Krane emphasises the importance of the protection of minorities for the European constitutional state. As a Free Democrat, he is in favour of the protection and promotion of autochthonous national minorities through a stronger commitment of the EU Commission in this area. The full implementation of the Copenhagen criteria for EU accession candidates is a priority for him (not least with regard to the provisions on the protection of minority rights), and he supports possible EU funding cuts for candidate countries that do not fulfil them.

Helmer Krane promotes the cultural and linguistic identity as well as the political participation of minorities. He supports the protection of democratic institutions against discrimination and the anchoring of minority policy with an EU Commissioner. He also advocates regular dialogue between politicians and civil society actors.

You can read Helmer Krane's complete answers to the FUEN Election Checkstones here.


Answers by Per Clausen, Enhedslisten - de rød-grønne (EL) (Unity List – The Red-Greens), Denmark

Per Clausen is in favour of better protection and equal treatment of minority rights in the EU. He supports the full implementation of the Copenhagen criteria with regard to the protection of minorities in the EU accession countries and calls for greater representation of national minorities and language groups in European politics.

If elected, he wants to support the re-establishment of the intergroup for minorities in the European Parliament and the creation of a more minority-friendly electoral system before the next European elections. He is also in favour of setting up an Advisory Group on Minority Issues to consult the EU and the Council of Europe and emphasises the importance of strong protection of minorities and human rights for peaceful development in Europe.

You can read Per Clausen's full answers to the FUEN Election Checkstones here.


Answers by the Social Democratic Party of Croatia (Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske) (SDP):

The SDP of Croatia and its representatives in the European Parliament state that they promote the protection of the rights of national minorities as a fundamental principle. They support the full implementation of the Copenhagen criteria, especially the stability of institutions which, among other things, commit to respecting and protecting national minorities.

The SDP is in favour of the further development and protection of national minorities at all levels, including in the context of EU enlargement processes. The Socialists and Democrats are in favour of the implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and work together with national authorities to develop legislation in this area.

The SDP also emphasises the importance of the political representation of minorities in national, European and international institutions and supports initiatives to protect minority rights. During the last parliamentary term, its representatives in the European Parliament supported all proposed advances in the protection of minorities.

The SDP favours the establishment of an Advisory Committee on Minority Issues under the auspices of the EU Commission and the European Forum of National and Linguistic Minorities for consultation with the EU and the Council of Europe.

You can read the SDP's complete answers to the FUEN Election Checkstones here.

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